Wednesday, 19 November 2008

To rough and to cold

I will get back in the water soon, but its been rough and cold and I am having difficulty talking myself underwater.

Saturday, 23 August 2008


A few photographs from a dive into a Harbour inlet on the East side of the Island of
DT digging for Razor fish
Shoelace weed
Shore crab and razorfish dinner DT In clear Hebrideian waters
Kelp on Rock ledge overhang
Red Crab

Monday, 11 August 2008

An Sunday evening in a sea loch

A rainy day at Locheport , but a nice late evening dive in the company of a seal and for once another diver.

Monday, 21 July 2008

A few more from Today

Quite a few of the Red cushion star fish around on the gravel of the loch bed.
Small flat fish I chased half way around the loch until he stopped.
Red cushion star: Porania pulvillus
Red cushion star: Porania pulvillus

Another day in Locheport

I found a new dive site yesterday and decided to return with the camera. Entry is by a old stream bed and beach covered at high tides, but easy to walk down to at low, then a swim out and down. This is a shallow site only some 13 m at low tide, so plenty of light. The dive is then around the outer side of a small islet coming all the way around to the start point. It is a mixture of large rocks and boulders, then shingle where it meets the loch floor. Quite a bit of life around not non of the larger fish I saw the day before.

Red edible Crab
Red crab looking very un happy
Crab who I disturbed having diner, what ever it was eating it was quite big.
Marks in the Muddy bottom as I was returning to shore, so sort animal in the hole no doubt.
Field of Slender sea pens

Thursday, 10 July 2008

A few more photographs which I had taken but not prepared for the web.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

No diving today

Sunday and todays dive for some more photographs is off due to the weather, the wind has risen over night, fingers crossed for the next few days.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

I have managed to get a few photographs worth showing out of the two dozen or so I took, I think I am going to have to work on the white balance a bit.
I had to take a photograph of a starfish. I think this one is doing pressups.
Field of anemones

Lobster found at bottom of reef, much to my shame :( when I got it back I found it was a berried female so I returned it back to the reef.
Sea Snail
? Any idea anyone , some sort of sponge

Whilst diving a long sea loch on the island, I came across a nice boulder reef , I returned today with the camera and whilst the water was a bit darker than the day before I got a few more photographs of the local undersea world.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Learning curve

The learning curve goes on :) I have not posted any photographs for a couple of weeks as I managed to flood my camera, so having taken delivery of a replacement, I am now waiting for some nice weather to get back into the water with it.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Wooden wreck

Wooden planking uncovered from sand
Cargo of Iron
Timbers from wreck
Iron rods
I had the pleasure of a few days diving on a unrecorded 17th century sailing ship this week, there are at least five cannons on the wreck and maybe more. I only managed to photograph the main site due to weather but you can see what left of the wooden hull and cargo of pig iron.

Monday, 21 April 2008

I have not managed to get in the water for a few days to take any new photographs , but had a nice trip to Aberdeen and dived in a cold Quarry , ah the joys.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Starfish with its dinner

Spinny starfish

Weed :)

I got a little bored with the lack of life so ended up laying on my back in about 5 meters and photographing my own bubbles, I think the above one turned out quite well.

A couple of more shallow loch dives now the weather has cleared up. We even have sunshine and no rain for a change.

Another area of Locheport North Uist dived, a pier and old slip way used by the fish farms, not much life at all but shallow and clear allowing me to play with the camera settings.

After a few boring photographs it was off to collect some fresh scollops that I had promised a local lady, nice few armfuls later and it back out the water lugging this damm 300 bar cylinder.

Return trip the following day Sat at the request of fresh hand caught scollop lover and a 24 clean fresh returned to the shore.

I cleaned my 4 and grilled them in butter for 3 mins in there shells, yummmm.